The wall is taking shape nicely, but I am still not sure how I am going to finalize the end. I guess I’ll work that out when I get there..

Foundation is started. A gravel drain on the backside was installed on the back side to to prevent excess water pressure from casing wall collapse.
I custom cut the top and glued the cap pieces around the curve and decided to put an loop at the end for flowers.

Back fill the low area with top soil and plant some grass.

The final result. I like it….

After the trees were removed, I had to decide on what to do with the slope of the yard. I have never like the 4 ft drop of the yard.

The decision was made to make a block retaining wall.
One of the hardest parts of the project was hand digging out the remains of the stump so I could lay the foundation for the wall. What a mess, but it was interesting to flow the roots out. Such a massive tree with not much holding it up.

A foundation was laid to stack the bricks on …

I ended up buying 2 1/2 truck loads of bricks.

I have been having problems with clogging of my sewer line. After the last time the city came out to clean the main line apparently they decided to fix the issue once and for all….

When the line was removed there was a big slug of tree roots (the brown slug in the center of the picture) growing in the sewer line from a cracked clay pipe.

The line was replaced with a PVC line,

and the yard restored with sod. The amazing thing is it only took the crew about 2 hours to complete the work. Yeah! No more backups.

Lately I have been getting concerned about try limb overhangs, rotten limbs, etc and decided to have some tree cut down. In total I had 6 trees removed. I love it now and should have a lot less leave to rack in the fall….

These trees are crazy tall so I hired some tree cutters…

Rot area on my hickory tree.

Glad I took these big guys down. I’ll be much safer if a hurricane comes through.

I find it fascinating that the Allen the tree climber just loves getting up in trees and cutting limbs. I guess it is all in what you get used to and being safe
Donnie the tree man. I like this shot, but Donnie gave me the run around and didn’t grind out one of the stomps after I paid him. Taught me a less about contractors.