Drip Rails part 3
Today was spent entirely spent working on the drip rails. After sanding, the back one came out beautifully. The front one has issues. As it was being sanded and shaped, I wanted to see if the instrument panel would still properly fit.
SHIT! The funky shape of the canopy caused the seal area to dip way down which now interferes with the installation of the instrument panel. I would have to trim and cut off the corners of the instrument panel which is totally unacceptable. Doing so would work but it would ruin the look of the panel. I had to step back, re-evaluate the whole thing and come up with a different game plan. The drip rail needs to be installed no further than the pilot side of F-22 to achieve the right look.
A second seal was placed in micro, and the canopy closed. Tomorrow, I’ll see how it looks and how hard it is to dig the seal out of the micro. The thing I really like about fiber-glassing, is I could always cut everything out and start over again if necessary. I hope that option is not necessary. The strap around the plane holds the canopy tightly closed while the micro is curing.