Mar 24 2014

Repaint again…

Well today I tried a different combination of paints.




and another….

And finally inhere is the one..


This style I like… finally, a keeper!

This is the final look when all is done…..


1 Comment

  • By Nick A, August 16, 2014 @ 1:28 am

    Nice job on the’s looking really good. How is the cozy 2 coming along?? Mike C. said he sent you a email, but you nevered answered it.. whats up?? that is not like you.
    I am doing okay I guess. working lots of OT at Boeing, I’m in Production Test on the 787 aircraft. been working on the teenager planes getting all the bugs worked out. I moved in with Mike in July until I get my new home built, I’m just waiting for next year to sell both homes in SC. that’ll fund my home project, in the mean time. Mike and I are setting up his shop to build 2 long-ez in there. I hate typing so call me every once in a while.. I’d call you but lost my phone at the court hours…yep someone stole it….. go figure…. take care my friend, and hope to hear from you soon.
    Nick A.

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