Cylinder Baffling
Work continues on the down draft conversion. I am making the lower part of the DD cooling system in aluminum and the curves and upper part will be glass. I am starting to realize with the close tolerances and difficulty of working with Al, that in the future, I would probably just make the head support in Al, and all the rest in glass. It will be interesting to see after I am done if the effort is worthe the result, and which method might be the best in the future. I’ll be doing this all over again for my cozy 4. I must say, it does make for a nice clean installation ….
#1 Cylinder
#2 Cylinder
Received the in instrument panel test panel from the fabricator. Overall it was GREAT! All the instruments fit as planned with just a few minor adjustment on the holes. I cant wait to see it populated and fit into the plane.
I also made a blended winglet test model to test out a new construction method I developed. I want to put blended winglets on the plane. I figured out a very quick way to build them that is self jigging, self leveling and leaves no possiblity of error or misalignment. A complete coversion should take about two weeks. Stay tuned for further developments.