Nov 24 2015

Noselift cover

I want to completely seal the nose lift area. This is a great opportunity too seal every holes since I have the nose completely opened up.

After making a quick cardboard template,


Foam was cut for 1/4” in sides and 1/8” top.


5 min epoxy the parts together, then glass


then 2 layers of BID.


My only mistake was I should have only used 1 layer of BID. The part came out at 9 oz!! yikes. Next time I’ll use 1 layer of carbon.


  • By Eddie, November 28, 2015 @ 11:09 am

    Can everything that needs to be accessed for taking out the nose
    mechanism,periodic lubrication, or other maintenance be done from
    “the bottom”? I like the idea of warm toes, though. :>) Eddie

  • By James Boswell, February 6, 2016 @ 10:47 am

    Have been avidly following your web site for some time. It is an intreaging tale of the trials and tribulations of how to build a wonderfulLong EZ. Look forward to building one myself using many of you ideas. I watched Glen Waters, who’s background is in motor racing, build his wonderful Berkut G-REDX. He recons that for a modest increasedweight of around 25 lbs, he could construct a fuselage / tub using motor racing technology that would be as safe as a modern racing car in the event of an accident. A radical improvement for an aircraft such as a Long EZ. Incidentally I am intreated to know who your friendly English friend comes from! Thanks for going to the trouble of documenting all your work. Best wishes, James from sunny Scotland.

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